Healing Co-op Memberships

Thank you for your interest in the W.H.O.L.E. Healing Co-op community.  This is a space for those navigating the challenges of their spiritual healing journey, so we can help each other find peace, perseverance, and deep compassion for ourselves and others, as well as to remember our Divine nature.

I need community support and healing

Healing Co-op Memberships

Thank you for your interest in the W.H.O.L.E. Healing Co-op community. The doors will officially open to the membership tiers on June 9, 2024. Right now, however, is the moment for you to secure your membership at the founding  member rate by joining the Spring into Summer Early Bird waitlist before the doors officially open on June 9, 2024. There are a limited number of founding member spots available and the founding membership rates end June 16, 2024. Act now to lock in the founding member rate for as long a you remain a member of the W.H.O.L.E. Healing Co-op. 

Get me on the waitlist!

Do you see yourself in any or all
of the following statements? 

  • Praying in desperation and isolation.
  • Wondering if there is a Divine and why does it not seem to be listening to your prayers.
  • Desiring respite from a sense of hopelessness and despondency.
  • Yearning for connection with those who share a belief in the Divine free of imposed doctrine.
  • Longing for an uplifted humanity and peace on Earth.
  • You could receive ongoing healing at the highest level, can you imagine your soul’s growth?

  • You could receive the highest level of healing at an affordable rate, how accessible has this been to you in the past?

  • You could amplify your healing, and at the same time amplify the healing of others, do you aspire to come together in a common cause of upliftment?

Stronger Together

The beauty of W.H.O.L.E. Healing Co-op, is that we all want the best for ourselves, our loved ones, and humanity as a whole. We all want to heal, and to thrive.

Joining together in a community whose focus and intention are to bring love and healing to the self, each other, and humanity as a whole, it is possible to cultivate epic levels of goodness and healing. We are able support and uplift each other, and, yes, we can strengthen the healing potential of our prayers.

The W.H.O.L.E. Healing Co-op is a collaborative space for upliftment, self-growth, and advancing on the collective spiritual path of humanity. The W.H.C. is structured in such a way that each and every member’s loving intention adds to the collective healing pool and this elevates the level of potential healing available. Each individual’s prayers uplifts the whole. Together, we rise, together we heal, together we thrive.

I'm looking for community.

This membership
is for you if:

  1. You want to address the root cause of the issues causing disharmony in your life.

  2. You believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that connecting to the Divine Realm accelerates our healing journey.
  3. You believe in the power of community to uplift others and the self.
  4. You have been on a healing journey and feel perhaps there is a missing component to the solutions provided thus far. 
This membership is for me.

Your Healing Facilitator

Hi, I'm Karen. I’ve been a practitioner of the healing arts for nearly 25 years. The principal aspects of my work are the facilitation of somatic emotional healing, and trauma resolution. I assist clients in the reframing of negative events, which allows for positive transformational shifts in one’s state of being.

My work is spiritually based, and with the permission of your higher self, and in accordance with universal law, I partner with Source/Creator to request healing via the Divine Realm. By engaging with and requesting the assistance and guidance of SourceCreator, much more healing can be accomplished, particularly at a soul level.

Torchlight Membership

If you're looking for some extra support to help guide you on your spiritual path, the torchlight membership offers you that.

Choose the membership plan that best meets your needs.



Fundamental Resources

  • Monthly Lightworker Healing Protocol Remote Healing Session (General Healing $75 Value per session)
  • Resource Library - guided visualizations, self-help healing exercises, e-books, curated content
  • Discount Offers



Fundamental Resources

  • Monthly Lightworker Healing Protocol Remote Healing Session (General Healing $75 Value per session)
  • Resource Library - guided visualizations, self-help healing exercises, e-books, curated content
  • Discount Offers

Limelight Membership

If you're looking for supplemental resources to help uplift, encourage, and motivate you to keep moving forward on the path your soul laid out for you, the limelight membership offers you that.

Choose the membership plan that best meets your needs.



Supplemental Resources

  • Monthly Lightworker Healing Protocol Remote Healing Session (Specified Healing $125 Value per session)
  • Resource Library - guided visualizations, self-help healing exercises, e-books, curated content
  • Discount Offers 



Supplemental Resources

  • Monthly Lightworker Healing Protocol Remote Healing Session (Specified Healing $125 Value per session)
  • Resource Library - guided visualizations, self-help healing exercises, e-books, curated content
  • Discount Offers 

All new members receive a complimentary remote healing session valued at $200USD, simply by joining the W.H.O.L.E. Healing Co-op community. You will have access to the community discussion boards, along with access to resources and tools to facilitate your healing journey. Look out, as well, for an invitation to a live session with me and other Divine Human members of the community.

Thank you and welcome!

Elevate your healing prayer requests, lift others up, and become a member of a compassionate, loving community.

Sign me up!

Illness starts with an I.
Wellness starts with a We.

〜 Chip Conley